Teaexplore is an online tea shop that delivers, every single day, the freshest Indian teas from estates in Darjeeling, Assam, and the Nilgiris as well as freshest teas from Nepal to tea lovers everywhere. As a company, we believe tea is so much more than just a staple part of mornings and meals. An exceptional cup of tea, for us, has a more exalted place in the everyday life.
We believe tea is endlessly engaging, brings people together, provides a sense of peace and well-being, and grants of a moment to yourself when you most need it. Great tea touches upon art, defines a sense of culture, marks a ritual, and offers a sense of connoisseurship. But a truly remarkable cup of tea is one which enhances the everyday.
This is the goal we are trying to achieve through our tea store – to bring great tea into the everyday life.
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